3D Draw Line

This plugin allows you to draw 3D shapes (ellipsoids). You can either choose to draw the shape in the current image, create a new one or create the shape in 3D Viewer.

There are different parameters to set, first, if you want to create a new 3D stack, you must specify the sizes in X, Y and Z of the image.

You then specify the coordinates, in pixel unit, of the start and end point of the line.

The two start and end points can be marked, with small sphere, if you select mark ends.

In case an image is opened, you can view the profile along the line you specified above by selecting plot profile.

You can select the thickness of the line, in pixel unit, and its pixel value.

For the display, you can choose to create the shape in a new stack, or overwrite in the current stack, or no display with none. The 3D viewer option will create a mesh surface of the shape in the 3D Viewer.